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We came to Athens on a study tour as four professional Tour Guides from Israel.  The aim had been to learn as much about ancient Greek culture and history as possible, while at the same time understanding the country’s modern history. We learned about Nadia on the internet, and after exchanging several emails with her, we realized that she is the perfect fit for us. She custom-created an itinerary that included the Acropolis Museum, the Acropolis itself, the ancient Agora, and a tour through the various quarters of Athens that included Roman, Byzantine, Neoclassical sites and even some modern street art. For eight hours Nadia supplied us with an endless stream of information, while mastering every single one of our tough questions effortlessly. It was a real joy to see this fellow professional Tour Guide do such an amazing job, and we unanimously decided that nobody could have done a better job than Nadia. We can therefore only recommend Nadia as the Tour Guide of choice for Athens and we will emphasize that if you haven’t been guided in Athens by Nadia, you have not seen the real Athens!


Ofer Moghadam, Mevaseret Zion, Jerusalem, Israel

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